The Stage Is Set
With a passport and airline ticket in hand, the house in Seward is in good order but not sold, I set my sights on another tour. There will be a combination of some countries I haven’t been to before and a few I need more time to explore.
I’m not much on preplanning because I never end up following a plan. I can set myself up so I know what country I’m going to and do the research but as I’ve said before, there’s a lot to be said for just going and talking to people and hearing the contemporary pros and cons, if you have the time.
First stop is back to South Korea and the KGB Bar to say hello and see friends and make some book business arrangements for a week and then off to do some diving in the Philippines for a couple weeks. My eye is on the Boracay area but I’m in the middle of researching the islands dive spots of which there are many varying from shipwrecks to some boasting 50 feet visibility. I’m heading back to S. Korea for an undisclosed period of time and then I have 4 months to fill before I am to arrive in Paris, France for a movie project with Rum Farm Productions. I can’t say much about it except that it’s happening.
With time out and about and no real agenda, ideas, scenarios, and anticipation flow through my mind like a river over-running its banks. I have no idea where it will flow. I’m spending the next month finishing a manuscript, ‘The Women Of Cho’. Stay tuned for more.